Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the BIG arrival

Harper Leighann Groff

arrived on Monday
September 27,2010 @ 5:30pm

9 pounds 1 ounce

21 inches

It all began on Sunday night at 5p when I was scheduled to be induced. Once we got to the hospital and got all situated and I was all hooked up and changed in to my fabulous hospital gown, they took my blood pressure, some blood, and checke little Harper. The results were I had high blood pressure and super low potassium, which is no bueno and Harper was just perfectly good. So they were like okay we got to get this stuff fixed before we start. So I was like okay sound good to me (we dont want any problems). Then I got hooked to even more stuff!! I had an IV with four things going at one point , two belly monitors (watching Harpers stats), a heart monitor, and a finger thing. Oh and at one point i had oxygen too!! It was ridiculous and it was seriously an event when i had to go pee!! Anyways then a little later they came in and was like okay we are gunna start you on pitocin now. SWEET! but that was short lived :[ they had to stop cuz my potassium wasn't getting any better. So they stoped it ughhh the plan had now changed like five times!! and i was geting soo hungry because i couldnt eat anything only ice chips and it was now about 1am!! But my nurse was soo nice and got them to let me eat a sandwich and fruit! yummyy! after that they decided to put this thing in me that softens my cervics and have Dr Huff check me in the mornig. Finally a plan!!

So in the morning bright and early at six a.m. Dr Huff came in all loud a cheer in his basket ball shorts, running shoes, and a t-shirt ( he would hes crazyy and very funnyy i love him!) and checked me out and broke my water! and i felt like i peed my bed it was gross haha. But after that i got my epidural right awayy!!! Then it was only ice chips and waiting til i was all the way dialated. So at about 3pm I started pushing and that lasted about an hour and a half and Harper's head was stuck so i got to rest til Dr Huff got there to do the rest which was around 5:15pm and asked if i wanted help with sucktion or a c-section. I might aswell keep pushing she was alreadyy down there so thats what we did! Baby Harper was born at 5:30pm! and everyone was so amazed and couldnt belive how big she was!!